DEI Tech

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Technology Tools for Equity

by Kwame Guy, GenVision CEO

Organizations have access to increasingly sophisticated tools to support their diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives across the talent life cycle. The tools seek to make DEI decision-making and processes more data driven.

In fact, 96% of CEOs now consider DEI to be a strategic priority. A study showed that organizations with inclusive cultures are twice as likely to meet or exceed financial targets as those without, three times as likely to be high-performing, six times more likely to be innovative and agile, and eight times more likely to achieve better business outcomes.


DEI technology solutions may use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) and advanced analytics to provide granular insight into such areas as talent acquisition, advancement, well-being, and retention. Others offer feedback and coaching capabilities for leaders and decision-makers. All seek to make decision-making less prone to human errors and biases while improving organizational performance and innovation. Here are just a few examples of how organizations are using technology tools to support DEI outcomes.

Recruitment and advancement

  • Tools can help identify, recruit, develop, and advance a more diverse talent pool.
  • Identify and address biased language in job postings using Natural Language Processing
  • Encourage recruiters at key points in the hiring process to increase awareness of potential bias using AI
  • Access pools of qualified, diverse candidates through candidate search platforms
  • Objectively identify “optimal” candidates for jobs or promotions using AI, machine learning, and automation

Some organizations consider a DEI effort to be a short-term initiative to “fix” a specific workforce challenge instead of a long-term strategy with a road map to improve overall performance and innovation. An empowered executive DEI leader, sponsored by the CEO, is important to developing and executing an effective DEI strategy. The DEI leader should partner with tech leaders to select and implement technology tools that will support the strategy by generating meaningful metrics, insights, and data.

DEI technology tools can deliver meaningful insights, metrics, and data that can provide the objectivity and credibility needed to propel DEI strategies forward. But even the best tools rely on humans to follow through with meaningful action. Technology, used appropriately, can support human objectivity, consistency, and fairness, but it will work only when backed by ongoing leadership commitment to building a diverse workforce, equitable environment, and inclusive culture.

To read the full article from Deliotte Insights click DEI Tech: Tools for Equity

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